Minggu, 12 Desember 2010


Nursing is a profession that is focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities to achieve, maintain, and heal the optimal health and functioning. Modern definitions of nursing is defined as a science and an art that focuses on promoting quality of life is defined by the person or family, through the whole experience of life from birth to care at the death.

There are several definitions of nursing according to the figures below:
1. Florence Nightingale 1895Nursing is a process of placing the patient in the best conditions for the move.
2. Faye Abdellah (Twenty One Nursing Problems, 1960)Nursing is a form of service to individuals and families, and society with science and art which include attitudes, knowledge and skills possessed by a nurse to help the good people in good health or illness in accordance with the level of need.
3. Virginia Henderson (Fourteen Basic Needs, 1960)Unique function of nurses is to help healthy or sick individual to use force, he has the desire and knowledge so that individuals are able to carry out daily activities, recover from disease or die in peace.
4. Dorothy E. Johnson (Behavioral System Theory, 1981)Nursing is a set of actions that have the power to protect the unity or integrity of client behavior at the level optimal for health.
5. Imogene King (Goal Attainment Theory, 1971, 1981)Nursing is a process of action and interaction, to help individuals of various age groups in meeting their needs and address their health status at a given moment in a life cycle.
6. Madeleine Leininger (Transcultural Care Theory, 1984)Nursing is a learned humanistic art and science that focuses on people as individuals atu group, sensitivity to customs, functions and processes that lead to the prevention or behavioral health maintaining or healing of disease.
7. Martha Roger (unitary Human Beings, an energy field, 1970)Nursing is a knowledge which is intended to reduce anxiety for the maintenance and improvement of health, disease prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of ill and disabled patients.
8. Dorothea Orem (Self Care Theory, 1985)Nursing is a service that is menusiawi that focuses on meeting human needs for self care, recovery from illness or injury and prevention of complications that can increase the degree of health.
9. Callista Roy (Adaptation Theory, 1976, 1984)The purpose of nursing is to improve the adaptation response in dealing with health problems. Adaptive response has a positive influence on health.10. National deal, 1983Nursing is a professional service which is an integral part of health care based on nursing science and troubleshooting, service bebrbentuk bio-psycho-socio and spiritual comprehensive, targeted at individuals, groups and communities both healthy and sick that covers the entire cycle of human life.

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